Andrew Pommier
Bio :

Andrew began showing his work in 1996, after spending his last year of his studies in Florence, Italy (with the College of art and Design of Ontario, Canada). Skateboarder and snowboarder, this 33-year-old Canadian cruised onto the skateboard graphics scene a long time ago (thanks to his younger brother among other things) and has already illustrated over forty boards… Andrew Pommier’s creations have an outdated feel to them, or perhaps they evoke the universe of the sad clown, plunging us into a parallel universe where men hide behind animal masks in order to lessen their humanity just a little. His characters appear alone in everyday poses, with little more than sneakers or their cigarette to connect them to “real life”. Andrew is not looking to pass on a message through his work; he plays subtly with graphical elements and a few ideas, and if his work resonates with the public, then so much the better… And, more often than not, it does!